Tuesday, February 27, 2007

On Assignment

Hello from the fair city of Bartlesville! I thought this was a relatively small town, but now, after surveying here for several days, it doesn't seem quite as small!

I"m absolutely exhausted. I think I got in and out of the car over 50 times today. I had hoped to go research at the library tonight, but I simply cannot. I am having some kind of pain. I don't know what it is, but it happens every once in a while and is a dull achy thing.

3 days is simply not enough time to get everything done that needs to be done here! I will definitely have to come back.

Stopping to eat and use the restroom frequently also slows me down a lot.

It's also been more emotionally trying to be here than I expected. I should have made someone come here with me! I'll be glad to be gone, even though I really like this place.

I miss my Scott!

Oh, I hope my Cowboys can manage to actually win a game tonight.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Belly Pic 16w5d

Okay, these are belly and belly only pics. It was late, I'd been rubbing my eyes. And, these are the evening edition photos. I look considerably smaller early in the morning. So, keep that in mind. Scott was laughing while he took these.

I was definitely uncomfortable today -- I feel like I'm on the path to huge!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Latest Visit

Well, today's appointment wasn't super exciting. No ultrasound, no bloodwork. They weighed me, took my blood pressure, and listened to the heartbeat. His doppler was much better and we could hear it really well. The heart rate was 152 bpm! Does that indicate boy or girl? :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Today was a good day. I virtually finished the historic district nomination for Durant. And . . . my supervisor only made minor changes. Yeah! And, I got to leave 30 minutes early. All good.

Tonight we had dinner at Zio's. We even had dessert -- a first for me in a while. Then it was off to the Hornet's game. Luckily we were parked close to the Ford Center. It was about 24 degrees with blowing snow! It was a good game and the Hornet's won.

Then, Scott surprised me on the way home with one gift for me and one gift for baby! It was some new historical reading material for me and some fun monkey reading (complete with finger puppets) for baby.

It took a while to get home because of the weather. Maybe we'll luck out and things will be closed down tomorrow.

We go in for our monthly checkup tomorrow. Ideally, we might be able to find out what the gender is, but dh doesn't really want to find out. We also have more bloodwork and paperwork and some questions (like can we make the family trip to California in July?).

Will update tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ready for Bedlam!

Thank goodness it is Wednesday at last! It has been a long and tiring week (as usual).

I did make it to some fabric stores yesterday. I am looking for some inspiration for the nursery. Nothing I've seen is just right. I'd really like to make everything -- just seems more special that way. I found some material, but I don't know how Scott will feel about it. I want to get started on those kinds of things. I like to get the decisions made and things taken care of.

My tummy certainly seems to be blossoming. My non-maternity knit pants barely fit and my front is sticking way out. Some people take pics, but I don't know if I want to share!

Tomorrow, I'm off to McAlester with my supervisor and the SHPO architect to meet with some locals about a building. Maybe we'll get to have some yummy Italian, although I've never really had anything great in Krebs.

But tonight is the big game -- I'm really scared because my Cowboys have not been playing well lately. They barely beet OU last month! It should be a good though. I really wanted to order pizza or something, but I managed not to. I always feel so badly when we pick up food. I'm trying to be good! I want to get that IVF debt paid off before the baby arrives.

Oh, here's the bedding I like. What do you all think? http://www3.jcpenney.com/jcp/ProductsHOM.aspx?DeptID=42249&CatID=42330&GrpTyp=ENS&ItemID=1183e67&CmCatId=42249|MP|42330|shopbyitemtype