Thursday, June 07, 2007

32 Weeks!

We've made it to the 8th month. I have pictures to post, but am short on time, so that will have to wait until the weekend.

This is the week I've been dreading at work, our Statewide Preservation Conference. I'm out of the office, but yesterday I had to give a 45 minute presentation and then I'll be late every day, especially tonight. I probably won't get home until after 10:00. Last night, I was home around 6:00, but I was exhausted. I fell asleep on the couch at 9:00 as dh was watching the Stanley Cup Finals. I did sleep better though, not as much pelvic discomfort. So, I'm not looking forward to today -- I'll have to really pace myself during the day and rest frequently. But thankfully my presentation is over. I have virtually no responsibilities today although I have to moderate sessions all day tomorrow.

Our crib is here and put together. Dh put it together in the same amount of time it took for me to find the camera to take a picture of him putting it together. I had stashed the camera in my sewing basket! What a perfect place for it. But, I did get a picture of him assembling it (he was really finished at that point) for our baby book. I'm still trying to decide where to put what in the nursery. I keep moving things around. I think I am going to need a bumper pad, so I am trying to locate one. The dust ruffle I have may not be necessary. I also moved a bookshelf into the room. I want to put baskets in it for storage.

Baby has been very active lately, sticking his/her butt or head out and moving my belly around.

Well, have a good day. I will post belly and nursery pics soon.

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