Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I was weak and decided to rent an at home fetal heart monitor. Despite multiple ultrasounds, we still haven't gotten to hear the heartbeat -- we've seen it, but they've never offered to let us listen. I'm just curious and why not?

So, it took a while to find, but then, there it was. I have no idea how fast, I wasn't sure exactly what to count. But it was still amazing to hear at last!

Can't wait to let Scott listen!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Thank goodness it is Wednesday -- only two more days until the weekend. I've threatened to call in sick every day this week. But somehow, I manage to make it in each morning. I may regret being there later in the day, but it's too late by then.

I've been telling people that I feel pretty good -- just a little obnoxious nausea. Well, yesterday dh told me to stop lying! The nausea is definitely annoying and seems to be around much of the day. I feel worse at night (okay, downright yucky), but have some bad times during the day as well. I have to eat almost constantly and it has to be protein -- nothing else helps. No sweets! No throwing up though, thankfully. I just feel like crap. But I am so happy to be feeling like crap.

Only thing is that I am absolutely exhausted -- my nighttime sleeping is abnormal -- I fall asleep on the couch every night -- I need a nap every afternoon. I am trying to do my best at my new job, but I'm certainly not being able to enjoy it like I had hoped. I have to admit that I'd rather be at home -- and that does bother me. I wish I could only work part time, but I'm too chicken to ask about that possibility.

So, I'm whiney. But very happy to be in this positon.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

12 Week Update

We went in today for our 12 week/1st OB appointment. Everything went well and luckily, we got to have another ultrasound! It's really late, so I won't say much about it. I just really wanted to share pictures.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Snowed In!

Well actually, it's not snow. It's sleet. Whatever it is, we're stuck in the house for an indefinite period of time.

The rest of this past week has been a busy blur. Tuesday I was in Perry. Wednesday, we had a meeting with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation about bridges (especially a WPA one in Coal County). Then Thursday we were in Bartlesville and Tulsa. We got back into town Thursday night around 7:00. As I was walking to my car, I started getting scared. It couldn't be -- not a flat tire! (I bought new tires during the fall semester). But alas, it was. Security had noticed it early in the day and tried to find me, but of course, I was not in the office. So, I had to call roadside service. I was prepared to wait a good hour and a half. Then, someone at OHS volunteered to change it for me. Thank you sooo much. I was home by shortly after 8:00 and I'd even gotten my last progesterone shot.

All this Thursday night was after I was late to work Thursday morning due to an accident on I-235. I left a little early that morning and had just enough gas to get to work. However, because traffic was crawling, I almost ran out. I ended up taking a detour and getting a little gas. I suppose that is when I ran over what eventually would cause me to have a flat. What fun!

So Friday morning, I'm late to work so I can go get my tire fixed. Hibdon's doesn't open until 8:00, but I'm out of there and at work by 9:00. Then, the freezing rain and sleet starts. Around 10:00 the governor declares his state of emergency and tells all non-essential state workers they can go home. So, at 10:30, I leave after putting in a hard 1.5 hours of work. It took a while to get home (once again I-235 was not moving). Luckily, dh was able to leave work at 1:00.

So, now we're home just hanging out. We've watched lots of tv, he's played lots of video games, and I've done lots of cooking. I made stew for him, meatloaf for me, brownies, muffins, and a yummy breakfast. It's been fun, although we may be stir crazy before this stuff all melts next week.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Trying to Stay Awake

I've really had a hard time staying awake recently. I seem to be tired all the time. I fell asleep in the car today (while riding with my supervisor back from surveying in Perry). Last night, I fell asleep at 7:00 and slept through most of the National Championship game. Part of the problem is that I haven't been sleeping as well at night. Sunday night I was up at 3:00. That really stinks.

The nausea and indigestion also continues to be a problem.

On a happier note though, work is good. It's great to have a job where you're not watching the clock. I looked down today and it was 4:51. I was like, crap, it's time to go home. Today, we walked through miles of a CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) park in Perry. I think my supervisor forgets that I'm PREGNANT! I was a total pig at lunch because I was starving. My stomach had been rolling and making horrible noises for over an hour (other people heard it). I do hate the times for commuting purposes though. I hate traffic. I did manage to make dinner and then we went grocery shopping. I'm really trying to eat out less.

On another happy note, this Thursday is my last progesterone shot! I didn't know it was going to be my last, but apparently, they only want to make sure you have it through at least the first 8 to 10 weeks. So, we're good there. It kind of makes me nervous to stop taking them. I'm kind of used to it at this point.

Well, it's late. This trying to stay awake till bedtime stuff is rough!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New job add nausea

So, I started my new job as a historic preservation specialist on Wednesday. Everything is going well. Everyone is nice. My first project will be helping with the nomination for a historic district in Durant (yeah!) and doing a reconnaisance survey of Bartlesville (God has a funny sense of humor -- good thing I still . . . appreciate Bartlesville. Hopefully it's not too weird being there again).

I'm off tomorrow for Durant, then next week, we travel to OU, to Perry, and to Bartlesville/Tulsa. I will not start the survey in B-ville until February. For now, I will be learning how Oklahoma does surveys (and maybe making some modifications to the process).

As for the nausea, I started feeling really crumby yesterday afternoon. This morning, I tried to throw up I felt so bad and was pretty yucky a large part of the morning. That continued this afternoon and tonight. For the most part, it's not horrible nausea, just minor nausea that is constantly there. Breakfast made me gag; I wanted salty food!

I'm looking forward to my trips, but I hope my stomach cooperates. Thankfully tomorrow is Friday.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, as I sit here and moan at the OU game, I thought I would blog a little to take my mind off of other things. (I tried to get dh to mute the game -- I'm tired of hearing the commentators).

I was set to start my new job tomorrow. However, because of the official day of mourning to honor Gerald Ford, I do not start until Wednesday. Apparently, my first day on the job will largely consist of paperwork. What fun! It's been fun to be off for the last month and a half. I'm gonna miss it, even though I look forward to this new job. I guess I will announce my pregnancy as soon as I get there. I don't really think I could hide it and why would I want to?

I have been pretty sick today. Not morning sickness. It's the sinus junk or virus stuff that has been going around. No fever, just lots of congestion and sinus pressure. I may try to go to the doctor tomorrow -- I hate to start a new job sick.

OU just scored. It's 26 to 28. We have to go for a 2 point conversion. I'm scared.