Tuesday, March 20, 2007

5 Month Appointment

Everything went fine at yesterday's appointment. Heartbeat was 156 bpm. I have to go in tomorrow morning early for a fasting blood sugar test (because of the family history of diabetes). Then I still have to get checked for gestational diabetes during week 28. The "big" ultrasound is scheduled for April 5 at 11:45 a.m.

We went to StorkLand to look at the crib I love. It's just hard to justify spending so much for a crib! However, it makes into a beautiful toddler and then full-size bed. You do have to pay for matching rails (another 120.00), but that's not horrible for an heirloom quality full-size bed. I don't know what to do -- I told Scott that it is his decision! I love the crib, but . . . there's so many places for $$$ to go these days.

In other news, we woke up at 7:24 a.m. this morning. I could swear I set the alarm, but . . . I guess not. Scott didn't get home last night until after 10 p.m. due to a late softball game, so he needed the rest. However, it made for an unsettling start to the day.

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