Thursday, March 15, 2007

Halfway there!

We are 20 weeks today. It seems like it has been such a long time, and yet we have such a long ways to go! I am feeling some tummy movement, although nothing really visible. Scott says it is gas.

I have had horrible indigestion today. But, I am feeling a little better right now. I am looking forward to having Friday off to drive to Atoka and spend with my family.

We are still trying to decide on a bed and bedding. After doing some reading, it seems as though a bumper pad is a bad idea and that a quilt is unnecessary, so I am really just trying to buy pretty sheets and a crib skirt. We're looking at some discontinued stuff from PBKids called chamois lambie. I went to a local store on Saturday and found some other stuff I really liked, that was super expensive. But I liked it . . . I really want to make some decisions on these things. I want everything planned out, if I can.

And as for names, we've given up even discussing it. We have the first name for a boy (Frederick -- the family name) and a middle name for a girl (Elizabeth). But we haven't "fallen in love" with any other names to go with those. I like Anne Elizabeth and Frederick Ward, but . . . I guess we'll see.

We have our next appointment on Monday. No ultrasound then, but we're supposed to schedule one at that appointment. So, that's good news. I'm ready to see this little one again.

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