Thursday, December 14, 2006

That's Not Supposed To Happen This Early in Pregnancy!

Okay, so according to WebMd, the lovely hemorrhoids that often accompany pregnancy aren't supposed to arrive until the end of pregnancy. Well, no such luck for me. Yesterday afternoon (after a morning of shopping), I come home, use the restroom and notice some bleeding (tmi -- read at your own risk). I was totally freaked out. I had no cramping or anything, but I was scared by the sheer volume of blood and an accompanying clot of blood. I called Scott and my doctor's office. Of course, the nurses were out for like another hour. I finally called back and the office paged a nurse. The nurse thought it was nothing, but told me to call back if there was anything else.

Well, throughout the evening, I notice slight bleeding, but nothing major, but I'm still very concerned. So, I called back this morning and they set up an appointment. The diagnosis: our little one is fine and the bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids! I was relieved. Scott says this was all an excuse to get to see the baby again. Btw, the little one had grown significantly since Monday. There was much less empty space left in my uterus. It's gonna have to start stretching soon! I've never had to use suppositories before (that's what the doctor prescribed) but after everything else we've done, those are a piece of cake (well compared to shooting up multiple times each day!).

I'm just so thankful that our little bean is still alright.

Oh, I showed niece K the ultrasound pics and she wanted to know where the baby pancakes were? (that's what she called the embryos) When asking what she thought we should name the baby, the answer was Scott -- boy or girl. :)

1 comment:

The Bun said...

Thank GOD for hemorrhoids!
