Sunday, December 10, 2006


First, I was able to purchase a Wii! It was a crazy, yet memorable experience. Let's just say, I waited a long time in line, and then a screw up at Walmart almost cost me the chance to buy one. If I had not gotten one, I would have thrown a huge fit and Walmart corporate would have been hearing me. I even had to tell an old lady off (she tried to cut in front of me!). Don't mess with a determined pregnant lady!

I had a good visit in SE Oklahoma. Did some shopping and some food prep for the annual Christmas party that we always do. It was fun.

I was very glad to get home though, too. We had two birthday parties to attend on Saturday and today, Sunday, was also a very long day. We just got in from my shot and it's almost 10:00. I'm exhausted.

Can't wait for tomorrow. Still a little scared, but I hope that everything is alright. Hopefully, we have good pics to post tomorrow!

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