Thursday, September 06, 2007

Six Weeks!

It's hard to believe that Nathaniel is 6 weeks old!

I had my six week checkup yesterday. Everything was good, so now I can finally mow the yard! And go back to Weight Watchers. I am definitely looking forward more to the former and not the latter!

In job news, my supervisor is leaving to take a job in Washington. That leaves me in a good position to advance to his position, which I would really like. So, I guess it is back to full time for me in January -- no staying home. I put in too many years in school to stay home when I have this opportunity. I'm kind of excited, although it will be hard to leave little guy. I love staying home with him. But from everything I have read, it's all about quality time and not quantity.

If I'm working full time, I want to move closer to work and I want to hire some help. Dh is opposed to this, he thinks it sets a bad example for our children. I disagree. I think that having someone to clean our house and do our lawn frees us up to spend time with our kids and each other -- which is most important. I think that is the best example for them. I don't think dh realizes how important it is to me that our house be clean all the time! It really messes with my head to be surrounded by a mess. I can't handle dirty dishes in the sink -- it makes me nuts! I'll still have laundry and cooking to do when I get home from work. I don't want to do the cleaning too -- it's too much!

Baby was only up 2 times during the night and then got up at 6:00 a.m. He still got up to play with his daddy in the middle of the night. And he doesn't want to go to bed until almost 11:00! Ornery boy!

1 comment:

Millie said...

I'm totally with you on getting help! As soon as I get my credit cards paid off, I'm hiring someone to clean the house. I hate it and my time is too valuable to spend it doing something I hate. But, I'm with you on the mess thing, too.

I'm so glad things are going well. I'm so excited for you to get the new position!