Monday, July 23, 2007

1 to 2

That's how much I'm dilated as of today. 1 to 2 cm. I was pleasantly relieved. I was hoping for 3, but afraid it would be zero! So, 1 to 2 was a happy medium. I'm also thinning out -- both of which explain the lovely bloody mucous lately. The cervix check was no big deal, but resulted in much bleeding afterwards, for which I was unprepared.

Dr. K said he'd see us next Monday. I replied that I hoped to see him before then. He said that baby would have to come tonight or tomorrow then, as he would be out of town for the remainder of the week. This stinks. If middle sister gets her new job for which she has an additional interview on Thursday, she will be leaving town on Monday for the entire month of August. I wanted to have the baby before she left. She won't know until Thursday or Friday if she has the job. So, there's no chance of an induction even if dh would agree. So, we're hoping it happens naturally sometime very soon!

1 comment:

The Bun said...

I must say that this is one funny blog considering the out come the very next day!!!! Praise GOD for working out everything.... HIS master plan is awesome :)

Much Love,, Kirsten (Auntie again!)