Saturday, July 14, 2007


Dh and I are enjoying a relaxing day at home. We've watched a pay per view movie and I've had at least one nap. We figure this is our last "free" weekend -- mom will be here next weekend and so might someone else! :)

Speaking of little ones, we're the proud great aunt and great uncle of a new little guy who is still currently nameless. He arrived sometime after 4 p.m. yesterday and is a cutie. I got to hear some of his first cries over the phone but am not allowed to go visit. It would be about a three hour drive each way, just too much at this point. We'll get the cousins together very soon though! Apparently, they're having as much of a name problem as we are! Dh keeps coming up with possibilities, but there always seems to be a problem. Like "Nathaniel" -- I like Nathaniel and I like Nate, but I hate Nathan. Dh hates Nate, but likes Nathan! I say we'll come up with something when the time comes.

I've gotten a lot of baby related work done over the past few days. Everything is washed and in its correct place. The bassinet is in our room and I have changing stations in the living room, bedroom, and nursery. The car seats are ready for daddy to put them in the cars. The bags are packed. The bookshelves and baskets in the nursery need to be painted, but mom is going to do that next week. I have the paint and other supplies.

My poor belly. I have a big u-shaped stretch mark on the front. It really itches on the right, too, because that's the side where it seems to be sticking out all of the time. I'm constantly lopsided.

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