Friday, October 06, 2006

Shooting Up

Okay, let me try this again (you forget how slow and unreliable dial-up connections are when you are spoiled to high speed). I blogged earlier, but the stupid thing crashed before I could post.

Anyway, today if Friday, the 6th of October. An auspicious day for me to begin my lovely Lupron injections. I take .1mL every night at 8:00. I tried to time it exactly (if you can trust the clocks at Mom's house). It really wasn't that bad. The only weird part was actually pushing the needle all the way in. It didn't really hurt, it was just strange. I may have to try the jabbing motion that dh suggested after all. The only effects so far are a lot of little pink dots on my tummy.

In job related news, dh heard from C Energy. They offered him the same salary, plus some stock, and a guaranteed raise next year (in addition to semi-annual evaluations that can lead to raises). Sounds okay, right? Oh, but there was one tiny catch -- he has to cut his hair -- short. We are still waiting to hear what "short" means to C Energy. I was stunned and even appalled by that stipulation. I think that is a ridiculous requirement for a SOFTWARE ENGINEER who works in the background. I told him to tell them to take their offer and shove it! He is waiting for more info.

For me, I called the hr department at the Oklahoma Historical Society this afternoon. They just requested the roster of applicants today! They should recieve it early next week and will go from there. I just hope I didn't sound like a blubbering idiot on the phone -- it's been an eventful day with acupuncture, news from Chesapeake, and dread of "the shot."

Speaking of acupuncture, I think I'm going to love this Friday appointment. It gets me out of my 2nd hour class which means I only teach 3 hours! Very nice.

Well, that's it for today. We're off to big D tomorrow for some girly fun.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Great job on getting through your shots!!!