Thursday, October 26, 2006

Sometimes God Has A Strange Sense of Humor

Okay, yesterday was a stressful day, very stressful.

I went in for the ultrasound and I could quickly tell by the nurse's facial expression that the cyst was still there. In fact, she said it looked unchanged in size. I was devastated, even though I wasn't surprised. I had been praying and praying it was gone, but it wasn't. I barely made it to the car before I started crying. I went to pick up dh (like 2 hours early) because I just needed to go home. While waiting in the car, I managed to compose myself somewhat. We didn't even discuss it until right before we got home. Then he said "it's only one more week." That set me off (poor dh). I didn't want to hear that! Thank heavens for a good book. I just crashed and read for a while, waiting to hear the final results from the clinic. They were to call within an hour; after two hours I called them. (they claim to have left a message on my cell, but there is no message) Apparently my e2 levels are fine, so we get to proceed. We went through all that grief about waiting another week, and then everything was alright.

So, I received what I was really praying for, but not exactly how I was expecting it. It was like a huge weight lifted on me.

Then I went to work on Mill's cake. It's all iced and the fondant is ready to go on it. I had to stop to play a little Lego Star Wars II. Shooting startroopers is very destressing these days!

Today is my first job interview, for the interpreter position. Wish me luck!

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