Monday, October 02, 2006

Acupuncture Take One

Okay, so I thought acupuncture was supposed to be relaxing. Relatively painless needles, right? Jenn from warned me about electrodes being attached to needles, but I was still unprepared for the experience.

Dr. W inserted 8 needles. 2 around my ankles, 2 in my calves, 2 unknown, and 2 in the small of my back. It was to my back that the electrodes were added. The needle insertion in my back hurt, and then to add electricity . . . ouch. I was like, I have to put up with this for 10 minutes? I tried to think about other things, but the little sparks in my back kept drawing my attention back to the pain. Needless to say, the time passed rather slowly. However, at the end of it, I would have to say I was actually relaxed. Who'd have thought. I just hope I don't have the electrodes attached each session.

I go back Wednesday and then again Friday. I'm looking forward to it?

1 comment:

Sunny said...

WOW to the needles and electricity. Not sure if I could do that. Keep us posted!