Saturday, November 18, 2006


I was too busy to even post yesterday! (Actually, I probably did have time but I was really, really tired.) I had to go in for day 8 bloodwork to test my progesterone. I thought I'd gotten away with a good number because the clinic didn't call for like 2 hours, but no way, I had to increase my shot. Yucko!

After going to the clinic, I had lunch with dh and then went to the school to finish up grades for progress reports. I will have to go in next week to make sure everything is ready for the subs and do some final grading (and get my desk chair!).

Then, I came home and crashed because I was exhausted. I tried to sleep but could not.

After that, I went to get my shot and then headed to mil's for her and bil's birthday party. Came home and read because dh was out playing pool with his friend who is getting married today.

So, we have a wedding and lots of football scheduled for today. We still have to find a present but I think we have something in mind. Should be an interesting day! :)

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