Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Still Alive

I've had several people tell me that they've checked my new blog but that there's nothing new. Well, I've been savoring our news and I've been busy relaxing! I've also been busy -- decorating for Christmas, planning, etc. I know, all very lame excuses.

Really, there's not a lot to tell, except that I seem to be blossoming. Maybe I'm just paranoid and not wanting clothes to touch my stomach.

I went in for my second beta on Monday and my hcg levels were ahead of schedule. They were 576 (and should have been 574 on Tuesday). My next appointment is scheduled for Dec. 11th at 10:30 for an ultrasound. At this appointment we will be making sure that the embryo implanted in the correct place and if so, how many embryos are there. Hopefully, all goes well. I'm a little nervous, but am trying to just have faith.

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