Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

And do we have something to be thankful for. Actually, we have a lot to be thankful for -- Scott has a new job, I have a new job, and we got a BFP (big fat positive) this morning.

It was a long drawn out process. We were at the clinic by 8:00 and done by 8:15. They told us it would take an hour for results. It took more like 2 hours and 45 minutes. I couldn't tell anything from the nurse's tone. She asked if I was okay and if dh was with me. He wasn't (we were at his office and he'd gone to the restroom). So, I knew, then my mom (who was waiting with me), then dh. Mom wanted to start calling people immediately, but I wouldn't let her until I told dh. Then we started calling everybody (no way to keep it a secret when you conceive this way!).

Anyway, it's rather surreal. We went out for lunch to celebrate. Now mom is helping me get ready for our dinner party this evening. So it has yet to really sink in. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. I go back to the doctor on Monday morning.

We are so thankful. God is good.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

What wonderful news!!!!