Monday, November 20, 2006


Struggling -- that's the word for today, and last night. Alternating between hope and despair. What fun! DH is not at all optimistic. I'm trying to be prepared for the worst, while hoping for a miracle.

The minor to moderate cramps continue. I've had slight, fleeting headaches. But there is a notable absence of bosom related pain. Earlier in the week, they were very sore. Now, not really. My booty is very, very sore. The left side is the worst.

So, I'm trying to keep myself distracted with light duty cleaning (dusting and laundry), reading (but I finished my book), and watching chick flicks (My Big Fat Greek Wedding followed by Sense and Sensibility).

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hey Kell,

Hang in there! I know that these last few days are absolute torture! Try to stay busy and keep your mind occupied....I know that it's easier said than done. I'm praying for you!